parents of students

At OHSM we believe that parents are the primary disciplers in the lives of their kids. This is not only clear biblically but throughout developmental research. Simply put parents have the most important voice and greatest influence in the lives of their kids.

We believe it our job to equip and serve parents as they seek to make disciples inside of their home. While we actively reach out to individual students we see our ministry as secondary and supplementary to what is happening in the home. We reach out to parents through email and we also seek to gather parents a couple times as year. Here's what that looks like:


Parent Piece

Our vision includes helping parents cultivate deep, meaningful, and spiritually rich conversations with their teens. To that end we have a dedicated spot (Parent Piece) in our weekly emails that include questions based on topics we've covered or will cover over the month as well as a few tidbits of research on Adolescent development and culture. We're always interested in your feedback and experience as a parent in hopes to refine and sharpen our the tools and information we provide.


The Parent Collective

A couple times as year we try to gather parents a couple times a year to learn, converse, and think through topics in current culture and adolescent development. We bring in speakers with various specialties and experience to guide us for the evening. These are always great events for connecting with other parents and hearing how others are processing both that challenges and joys of this season of life.


Wednesday gatherings during the school year:

Middle School Students gather from 6:30-7:45pm

High School Students gather from 7:45-9:00pm

*We don’t usually meet around Thanksgiving and Christmas and occasionally meet off-site.